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Base64 encoding/decoding

What is base64 encoding?

Base64 is one of the most common encoding methods used to transmit 8Bit bytecode on the network. Base64 is a method of representing binary data based on 64 printable characters. You can check out RFC2045~RFC2049, which contains detailed specifications for MIME. Base64 is a character set including 64 characters in total: lowercase letters a-z, capital letters A-Z, numbers 0-9, symbols "+", and "/".(Any symbol can be converted into characters in this character set. This conversion process is called base64 encoding. Base64 encoding is the process from binary to characters and can be used to pass long identification information in an HTTP environment. Base64 encoding is unreadable and requires decoding before reading. Base64 is widely used in various fields of computers due to the above advantages. However, since the output content includes more than two "symbol type" characters (+, /, =), various "variants" of Base64 have been developed in different application scenarios. In order to unify and standardize Base64 output, Base62x is considered an improved, unsigned version.